アラミドを含むシースを備えた最初のダイナミックシングルロープで、切断抵抗が著しく増加しました。 特別な処理方法のおかげで、Swift Protect Pro Dryはダイナミックなままです。 アラミドによる補強と全体的に高いシース含有量にもかかわらず、衝撃力は必要な基準内にとどまります。 これらの特性により、Swift Protect Pro Dryは理想的なリードクライミングロープであり、アルペンクライミングや登山に最適なコンパニオンです。
足で利用できるようになりました をご参照ください。
At EDELRID we have tackled the problem and developed a rope that has a particularly high cut resistance. This is made possible by the new "Cut Resistance" rope technology. This means high-strength aramid fibers are integrated into the rope sheath during the braiding process. Compared to polyamide, aramid has a significantly higher cut resistance.
The crux: aramid is a particularly static material. Compared to polyamide, it has virtually no dynamic properties. However, in the event of a fall, it is necessary to absorb the resulting energy and thus reduce the impact force to a tolerable level.
In a special production process, we have succeeded in matching the aramid and polyamide fibers in the rope sheath in such a way that we create a rope with particularly high cut resistance, while simultaneously complying with the standard for dynamic mountain ropes.
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