4 Bar U Rafları - SMC

Normal fiyat R$ 1.029,00
Satış fiyatı R$ 1.029,00 Normal fiyat
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U-Rack'ler, J-Rack'lerin tersi yönde kullanılır, çünkü raf, "bacaklar" her zaman kullanıcıdan uzağa bakacak şekilde çerçevenin bükülme alanındaki kablo demetine veya ankraja klipslenir. U-Rack, J-Rack'in yaptığı gibi çubukları düşürerek veya ekleyerek sürtünme değişimini kolaylaştırmaz ve U-Rack asla 4 çubuktan daha azıyla kullanılmamalıdır. SMC tarafından tasarlanan 4 bar U-Rack'in avantajı, iki karşılıklı bağlı çubuğa sahip olmasıdır. Bu, daha hızlı bağlama yöntemleri için fırsat sağlar (kullanıcı, bir tekne kelepçesinin kullanıldığı gibi ipi 2 pim arasında örebilir) ve kullanıcı daha kısa ve daha hafif bir sistemde daha "ince ayarlı" sürtünme olanaklarına sahip olabilir.

Ek bilgi

If you want to start a heated debate among Rappel Rack aficionados just ask the group what style is best, J-Racks or U-Racks? Both share benefits such as providing the largest range of friction control with a variety of ropes, being great as either a lowering device or on rappel, not twisting ropes and so on. The benefit that people most often attribute to the U-Rack over the J-Rack is greater strength. This is a fallacy, despite being the common understanding, as the system fails when the rope brakes rather than the device breaking. As a result, both types of racks achieve similar ratings.

  • SMC U-Rack assemblies are the only such U-Racks which are UL Certified to the current NFPA standards.
  • U-Rack may be used as either a rappel or lowering device.
  • U-Rack provides for even distribution of weight between both sides of the rack.
  • U-Rack does not twist rope, as can occur when using a Figure 8 type descender.
  • U-Rack may be used with single or double ropes of varying diameters.
  • Different length racks provide wide range of friction and control under varying weights and applications.
  • User may adjust friction by simply wrapping rope around the Tie-Off Bar(s).
  • Stainless steel rack material provides greater strength, reliability and long lasting service.
  • Tie-Off Bars are tubular stainless steel for longer life.
  • Brake Bars are available as aluminum or stainless steel and come in a variety of styles and sizes.
  • Racks & bars may be purchased separately so that the user may have a greater range of set-up configurations tailored to meet their individual needs for non-NFPA applications and as replacement parts.


Material: Stainless Steel Frame, Stainless Steel Tie-Off Bars & Brake Bars

Dimensions: 9.6" Long

Weight: 26.6 oz (754g)

NFPA1983 Certified

Made In USA
