8 мм клей Antrax в болтах 316 SS - RAUMER

Звичайна ціна ₴275.00
Ціна продажу ₴275.00 Звичайна ціна
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Анкер Antrax 8x80 мм, безсумнівно, є найпоширенішим анкером зі смоли у світі. Форма вушка була розроблена, щоб витримувати високі рівні сили розтягування або зсуву. Техпаспорт. 75г



  • Shank with knurled surface;
  • Anchor with the best adhesion performance with the resin than other systems
  • Anchor resistance unchanged respect to those of greater diameter
  • This anchor also saves on resin as a drill hole of 9 mm, or 3\8" x 80 mm is all that is required.
  • Drilling a smaller hole also saves the drill's battery power.
  • It is also very cost-effective.
  • Like all our climbing anchor systems, the ANTRAX’s surface is matt grey to minimize environmental and visual impact.


  • Certificate of conformity EN 959: 2018 - Rock anchors
  • Certificate of conformity UNI 11578: 2015 - Anchor device type A
  • UIAA


  • Material: A316L
  • Weight: 75 gr
  • Shank dimensions: Ø 8 x 80 mm
  • Static shear strength: 26 KN
  • Static pull-out strength: 27 KN
  • Device usable by 1 person at a time