Samson Stable 编织索具绳是有史以来最受欢迎的索具线之一,因为它具有高强度和低拉伸性。 Stable Braid 涂有聚氨酯,具有出色的耐磨性和对芯材的保护。 Samson Stable 编织物采用柔软编织,可最大限度地提高纤维强度和拼接绳索能力。 在制造的最后阶段,Stable-Braid 绳索浸涂在液态 Samthane 浴中,干燥后形成耐磨外壳,以实现最终的耐用性。 抗拉强度10,400。
Tough and flexible polyester fiber makes this some of the best rope in the industry for rigging line and other uses
• Torque-free construction
• High-quality, durable materials and construction
• High resistance to UV degradation
• Low stretch
• Excellent abrasion resistance
Weight: 8.2 lbs/100ft (12.2kg/100m) Specific Gravity: 1.38 Average Breaking Strength: 10,400lbs (4,700kg) Work Load Limit: 2,100lbs (940kg) Elongation at 10%: ABS 1.1%
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