辅助制动电阻器,用于在攀爬者和领跑者之间的重量差异较大时增加绳索摩擦力。 在跌倒的情况下,OHM 会增加绳索摩擦量,以便较轻的护卫者可以毫无困难地握住较重的铅攀登者。
Belayer requires significantly less hand braking force to arrest a fall
Lowering a heavier climber is much easier to control
OHM is attached at the first bolt in the safety chain
Should a lead climber fall at the first bolt, the OHM significantly reduces the risk of a possible ground fall
Rope handling when belaying a lead climber not affected (no additional friction when paying out rope)
Recommended weight difference (lead climber > belayer): 10–40 kg
Minimum belayer weight: 40 kg
For single ropes from 8.9–11.0 mm
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