无论您是在山谷中免费竞标船长,还是在小溪上一个又一个地打球,解决方案指南都是专为传统攀登而构建的。 通过采用由超级织物(一种注入微小防护板的耐磨织物)组成的超耐用结构,解决方案指南可以承受日复一日的坚固使用。
The durability is matched with uncompromised comfort, which is a result of a contoured fit and our Fusion Comfort Technology, which introduces three separate strands of low-profile webbing in both the fixed leg loops and waist to create superior load distribution while reducing pressure on sensitive points. With four pressure molded gear loops and a fifth gear loop for your extra kit, the Solution Guide is the ultimate trad climbing workhorse
Ultra-durable construction built with Super Fabric
Lightweight waistbelt and leg loops with Fusion Comfort Technology™
Contoured fit for superior comfort and range of motion
Fixed leg loops
Four pressure-molded gear loops
Fifth gear loop for extra kit
Adjustable, releasable elastic risers
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