Black Diamond ReVolt 350 现在使用我们新的模块化 BD 1800 可充电电池运行,是一款功能强大、用途广泛且可充电的前照灯,现已完全重新设计。 现在可产生 350 流明的光线,我们还更新了用户界面,增加了第二个开关,以便于选择镜头模式。
In addition, the improved optical efficiency provides brighter light with more peak intensity, and you can track the battery life with a six-setting, three-LED battery meter. The ReVolt 350 easily spots anchors while you rappel in the dark while its proximity lighting gives you a large area of light for hiking down the trail. Brightness Memory gives you the option to set the light's brightness when first turned on, plus PowerTap™ Technology makes for instant brightness adjustment settings. The ReVolt 350 can run on standard AAA batteries in addition to the included BD 1800 Battery.
Emits 350 lumens on max setting
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