Tricam Evo 是久经考验、时间证明的 Tricam 的合理演变。 一些简单的工程提供了第二种减震器的可能性,为 Tricam Evo 提供了三种(而不是历史上的两种)安装可能性,使其更加灵活。 头顶较宽的部分形成了额外的锥度,也将为骆驼的放置提供额外的稳定性。 Tricam Evo 有四种尺寸,从 0.25 到 1.5。
The Tricam Evo also features the stiffened slings where we carry the inner band of webbing further towards the head using a stitch pattern to create a naturally stiffer sling that makes one-handed placements easier, but still engages the cam in active mode and will even increase durability over sharp edges with the additional layer of material.
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