左手或右手轻合金上升器手柄,配有符合人体工程学的橡胶握把,用于攀爬绳索。Quick Up + 具有超模压符合人体工程学的手柄,设计用于提高拉动效率并增强耐磨性。 凸轮开启杆可轻松单手使用,并具有专利系统,只需向下移动一次即可解锁凸轮。配有一组齿,可防止绳索磨损,但在阻挡和提升绳索方面同样有效。它还设有三个槽,可防止泥土堆积,并减少在任何条件下(泥泞的绳索、结冰等)将装置沿绳索向上滑动所需的力。W带 8 毫米至 13 毫米绳索的兽人。215 克
steel cam, manufactured with technology that implements the resistance to wear and tear. Equipped with a set of teeth that protects the wear of the rope, but it is equally effective in blocking and ascending the rope. It also has three slots to prevent the accumulation of mud and reduce the effort needed to slide the device up the rope under any condition (muddy rope, frozen etc.);
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